Teams is the Microsoft work chat tool that was introduced five years ago and, since then, little by little began to gain space within the operating systems for Redmond computers. Well, with the latest Windows update, Teams has become more important than ever, producing different reactions from users. And if you are one of those who is tired of being bothered, then we teach how to remove Microsoft Teams chat icon from taskbar in Windows 11.

As we said, Windows 11 meant the review of several of the characteristics of these operating environments, and the introduction of new features, such as the integration of Teams chat in the taskbar.

Microsoft’s idea from this is that we can open our Teams chats in a very short time, with almost no delay. But some customers find it unnecessary and even bothered by the presence of this icon there.

Luckily, we don’t have one but Various ways to remove Teams icon from taskbar in Windows 11, so we will review some of them, until we find the one with which you feel comfortable.

3 ways to remove the Teams icon in Windows 11

From the context menu of the taskbar

  • Right click on the Teams chat icon
  • Choose “Hide from taskbar”
  • In a few seconds, it will disappear

This is undoubtedly the most direct way to get rid of the Teams chat icon in Windows 11, and the one we recommend every time you need to customize a new computer.

From the taskbar settings

  • Right click anywhere on the taskbar
  • Select “Taskbar Settings”
  • Look for the “Chat” option and disable it

From the Windows setup application

  • Right click anywhere on the taskbar
  • Select “Taskbar Settings”
  • Under Personalization, go to Taskbar
  • Stop at “Chat” and disable it
Teams Windows 11 icon 2

Why would someone disable the Teams icon in Windows 11?

At this point, you already know what the steps are to get rid of that Teams chat icon in Windows 11, although some will also want to know what the reasons are for trying to get it out of there.

Well, the reasons almost always have to do with the intrusion generated by an icon that is not used in the taskbar. There’s nothing wrong, I myself usually remove all those who spend time without being active.

Now, you have to know that Microsoft is betting heavily on Teams, and we can see this in the fact that the integration of the chat in the taskbar is an exclusive feature of Teams for Consumers.

In that case, we should have a Teams for Consumers account for that icon to make sense, something that would only change if the American decides that the chat icon works for common Teams users.

And what can we lose by removing the icon? Well, if you are a regular Teams customer and you usually have messages and meetings in this app, you run the risk of not being notified to the last. But maybe it’s what you want.

In the latter case, we can advise you to disable notifications in Microsoft Teams permanently.


In any case, we can say that finding usefulness in the Teams chat icon will depend on each user, and although everything indicates that Microsoft has high hopes for this program, and will continue to feed it in the future, everyone knows if they prefer to have it on their taskbar, or delete it so that it does not get in the way.

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