Possibly you already know how check the orthography with the mouse on Word, but we also want to teach you how to do with shortcuts from keyboard. Sometimes it will be more comfortable for us to do it with keyboard shortcuts than to be with the mouse jumping from error to error. This comes in handy when we are used to disabling the spell checker in Word.

Use the spell checker with the keyboard shortcut in Word

In Word we can use a keyboard shortcut with Alt + F7 to check the spelling, in this way we can jump directly to the first error behind where our cursor is in the document in question. If we want to find from the first error, we will have to place the cursor right at the beginning of the document.

Check spelling from the start.

When we press Alt + F7, Word will take care of highlighting the spelling or grammar error and will give us the options to correct or ignore said error. We will have to press the up or down arrows to be able to highlight the appropriate option, then we simply press “Enter” to select it.

How to spell check Word

With the keyboard arrows we can only highlight suggestions related to spelling and grammar. If we want to ignore the suggestion, we will have to click on that option with the mouse. Spelling errors usually have more suggested corrections to select from.

Ignore spelling mistakes.

It is also interesting that we can decide to ignore that specific error or choose to ignore all errors that are exactly the same as this one. This comes in handy when we are talking about an unknown product or brand that Word would take as misspelled.

Another interesting option is to add the word to the dictionary. When we do this, Word will no longer mark that word as an error. This comes in handy when we have to add words and we don’t want it to mark them as an error.

Add words.

In order to do this we will have to click on the three points to the right of “Ignore all” and then we will click on “Add to dictionary”.

When we’re done with that error, we just hit Alt + F7 and we can move on to the next error. In this way we can continue doing it until we have the document completely revised and without any kind of error.

The grammar and spelling checker in Word is quite useful to check the content of the article we are writing or any other text. It can help us to discover new errors, since it is very easy to get distracted and continue writing without paying too much attention to these errors. With this we can solve it quickly.

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