When you have a long Word document, navigating through it can be challenging. You can include a table of contents so that your reader can jump to the section they want. However, for writers and editors, the index is not the best way to navigate a document.

There is another option: use the Go to function Microsoft Word; you can go directly to the place you want. You can quickly go to a page, line, or section, but you can also jump to a table, comment, or object.

This is what you have to do to use this function in Microsoft Word.

Open the Go To tool in Microsoft Word

You can open the tool Go to using the menu or a keyboard shortcut in Word on Windows and Mac.

In Windows, go to the tab Beginning, click the drop-down arrow next to Look for and select Go to. You can also press Ctrl + G.

On Mac, click Edit> Find> Go To in the menu bar or press Option + Command + G.

Go to the next or previous item in Word

Once you open the tool Go to, it should be on the Go to tab. If not, select it at the top.

On the left, choose where you want to go from the list. You can choose a page, a section, a line, a bookmark, a comment, etc.

If you want to go to the next item in the document, you can click Next.

For example, if you choose Page and clicks Next, you will go to the next page. If you keep clicking Next, you will go to each next page with each click.

And if you want to go back, click Previous. The same as Next, each click of the button Previous takes you back to each item one by one.

Go to a number or item name

If you want to go to a specific point in the document, you can use the box on the right to enter a number or choose a name for the item. Here are a couple of examples.

To jump to a specific page, section, line, footnote or endnote, table, graph, equation, or heading, enter the number in the box. For example, you may want to jump to line 25 of your document. To do this, select Line In the list, enter “25” in the box and click Go to.

Select a name from the drop-down box to go to a specific bookmark, comment, field, or object.

For example, if you want to go to a comment you have added, choose Comment, select your name from the drop down box and click Next.

If you want to go to an Excel chart that you have inserted, select Objectchoose Microsoft Excel chart in the drop-down box and click Next.

Offset relative to your current position

Another practical way to use the tool Go to is to jump ahead or behind your current location in the document. Here are a couple of examples.

You may want to jump forward ten pages from the current page. Please select Page, enter “+10” in the box and click Go to. This will advance ten pages.

You can also go back from your current place. Let’s say you want to go back five sections: select the section, enter “-5” in the box and click Go to to do it.

Remember to use the plus sign (+) to go forward and the minus sign (-) to go back. These symbols only work for those elements that allow you to enter a number in the box, as described above.

Navigating is easy using Go to in Microsoft Word

If you have a long Word document that contains many sections, tables, or lines, the Go To tool allows you to quickly navigate. You can use this tool to find specific sections, make changes, or review your work in a non-linear way.

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