Don’t like the standard file manager in the top ten? You can make it the way it was in earlier versions of Windows. Nothing complicated – a couple of minutes, and you’re done.

In Windows 10, many interface elements have been redesigned. First of all, the changed appearance of the conductor is striking. Suppose your acquaintance with Microsoft products began with “dozens.” In that case, the file manager’s design will not cause any problems because navigation in this operating system is quite logical and convenient. But owners of older operating systems may not be accustomed to such an organization. It doesn’t matter because everything can be fixed in a couple of clicks.

Customizing appearance

Many visual parameters in Windows 10 lend themselves to fine-tuning, including the type of folder display. For the explorer to look “like the good old ones,” you will have to open it and go to the ” View ” menu at the top of the window. We are interested in the ” Options ” section and the ” Change folder and search parameters ” item.

get old File Explorer back in Windows 10

To replace the quick access menu (which opens by default) with the computer’s central section, select the first option’s corresponding item. If you also want to get rid of recently and frequently used files on the Quick Access Toolbar, you will have to uncheck the privacy boxes below.

get old File Explorer back in Windows 10

This is not the only way that returns the old look to the conductor. Therefore, if this method did not work for you for some reason, you can do the same using the registry editor.

Registry editor

To run it, press the key combination Win + R and enter the Regedit command in the field that appears. We are interested in the branch located at the address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ FlightedFeatures.

In the right part of the window, right-click and select the item ” Create DWORD (32-bit) parameter .” Set the name ImmersiveContextMenu for it and confirm the operation. By default, this parameter will be assigned a value of 0. This is what we need to change anything. For the changes to take effect, you must restart the operating system. To return everything to its original state, of course, you will have to delete the parameter from the registry in the same way.

Changing the Start Menu

Also, fans of Windows XP and Windows 7 often dislike the new Start menu. In this matter, the Classic Shell program will help us, which is distributed free of charge, but, unfortunately, does not support the Russian language. However, you do not need to dig into the settings (if you wish, you can still do this for more detailed customization). You need to run the utility after installation. 

get old File Explorer back in Windows 10

Once the installation is complete, click on the Start menu. The program will start, which will offer you to choose one of three main types. This must be done once. On subsequent launches of the “Start” menu, you will observe the selected skin each time. You can change it if you right-click on the “Start” menu and go to the section with settings.

1 Comment

  1. Robert E Johnson Reply

    I tried the op to get the old File Explorer back on my pc … it failed. I meticulously followed the instructions with 0 results, how sad. I would gleefully wring the neck of the engineer who thought that was a good idea. I’m not the only one who has bee screwed by this change. The other was so simple and accommodating, now I have to find a way to copy data from one drive to another. Really torques my jaws. I should reinstall Win1909 or Win 7.

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