The blue screen (BSoD) with the KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED code is one of the most difficult to diagnose, especially if the screen does not report any faulty modules (.sys) that caused it. However, you can try to figure it out and solve the problem.

In this instruction, in detail about possible ways to fix the blue screen KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED in Windows 10, depending on the situation and the nuances accompanying the appearance of the problem.


The most common cause of KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED blue screen in Windows 10 is driver failures. There is a critical nuance here: often, we are not talking about the driver of some physical device but the drivers installed by third-party programs for their work. Among these programs are:

  • Antiviruses, automatic system cleaners, firewalls, VPN and proxy tools.
  • Some software that modifies the system.
  • Programs that install drivers for virtual devices (drives, network adapters for distributing Wi-Fi, and the like).
  • Cryptography tools.

This is not necessarily the case: the reason may well lie in the driver of a real physical device, but it is worth remembering this possibility.

Another possibility is some kind of hardware problem, not necessarily a malfunction. For example, badly connecting a hard drive or SSD (or connecting it with a faulty cable) can also get the error in question. Therefore, if you have done something with the computer equipment (or transported it from place to place, which also sometimes leads to problems due to shaking), consider this point.

And one more important detail: if the blue screen KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED points to any .sys file (in parentheses after the error code), be sure to try to find on the Internet what file it is and which driver or program it belongs to (search on English is usually more effective), perhaps this will give the necessary information about what exactly is causing the problem.


Note: If the error appears after shutting down Windows 10 and then turning on your computer or laptop, but does not appear after restarting, try disabling Windows 10 Fast Startup.

A relatively simple case is the appearance of an error after logging into Windows 10, or at least the availability of the logon screen, from which we can also perform some actions. In this situation, I recommend using the following steps:

  1. Before the next blue screen appears, restart your computer or laptop in safe mode. If the system boots, to do this, you can press the Win + R keys, enter MSConfig, and press Enter, then on the Boot tab enable Safe Mode, save the settings, and reboot. If you only have access to the lock screen, press the power button shown at the bottom right, then hold Shift and press Restart. On the blue screen, go to Troubleshoot – Boot Options and in Boot Options press 4 to enter Safe Mode. 
  2. If you updated any drivers just before the problem appeared, roll them back in Device Manager, uninstall, or install another driver in safe mode.
  3. If you know which program caused the crash, uninstall it in Safe Mode (best through Control Panel – Programs and Features).
  4. If you do not know what is causing the crash, but the blue screen appears sometime after the desktop appears: try removing all programs (especially those recently installed) from the startup. How to do it: Startup in Windows 10 – how to remove or add programs.
  5. If recently the problem did not appear, and something was not installed on the computer, try using restore points (Control Panel – Restore). 
  6. If the failed .sys file name does not appear on the error screen, try using the BlueScreenView program available at It can show detailed information about what caused (which file) the error. For example, to write this article, I used the old Lock Folder program, because I knew for sure that the driver from it could cause the specified blue screen in Windows I received a blue screen (but with a different code) and in BlueScreenView it is clear that the lf40fs64.sys file is to blame – just from this program.


The case where the crash occurs before logging in is more complicated, but the problem can sometimes be resolved without resorting to reinstalling the system:

  1. You will need a bootable Windows 10 flash drive in the same bitness that is installed on your computer or laptop. You can also do it on another device.
  2. Boot the problem computer from this flash drive, select a language on the first screen, and then click “System Restore” at the bottom left of the next screen and select “Troubleshoot”.
  3. Next, you can try using system restore points or uninstall the latest Windows 10 updates.
  1. By running Command Prompt in Recovery Tools, you can enable Safe Mode for a system already installed on your computer using the command: bcdedit / set {default} safe boot minimal with the subsequent reboot of the computer already from the main HDD or SSD.


If the KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED error always appears sometime after installing/reinstalling Windows 10, the reason may be that the system itself loads the drivers for the hardware and some of them are not working correctly on your system.

A possible solution for this situation: place the manually downloaded hardware drivers from the official websites of the manufacturer of the PC or laptop motherboard in advance, install without an Internet connection, and then manually install the prepared drivers. If you wish, you can also turn off automatic driver updates in Windows 10.

In case you still need help, try to describe in detail in the comments all the details that you know about the error on your computer: after which a blue screen began to appear, at which moments it appears, and any additional details. Perhaps there is a solution.

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